
This site contains some helpful tricks and tips I picked up on how to use Google Chrome

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Generally, I am self taught programmer with knowledge in HTML. I am still learning a few other coding languages but I have a special interest in Chromium Based Browsers. Hopefully you will be able to find what you are looking for in this blog. I will always be more happy to answer any questions or concerns with my site on Google Chrome to the best of my knowledge.

This site was originally created for my personal use so I could refer back when needed. But with all the ideas I had I ended up opening this site to the public. I try to explain things in simple and understandable terms so everyone can understand them

I hope the articles on this site will be as helpful to you as they are for me. I try to update and post new articles as soon as possible. Join me with the followers gadget at the sidebar and get instant updates and tweaks as I create them.

If you know anything that we not already have up that might have be useful.
Please don't hesitate to Contact Us

You can also find additional help at the Google Chrome Help Forums

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